Thursday, June 11, 2009

Greener grass over there

On Wednesday, Don emailed:
I can't believe it's only my third day back at work. It seems SO long ago that I was on the trail. I must admit that work seems so much easier now, though. I get to sit on my butt all day, I stay clean, smell good (at least relatively so) and have as much water as I want. Seems so easy compared to lugging packs up and down mountains and through deserts. And I get paid too!

I replied:
hm. as someone who's been having to sit on my butt all day long for the past 7 years... i think getting to walk all day long sounds pretty nice. altho the smell and lack of showers would drive me nuts.

What do you think?


  1. i'd have to TOTALLY agree with you! The butt only gets wider w/ all that sittin'. ha ha
    hmm...i think at max i can go is 3 days w/o a shower...

  2. HAHA! I remember having this conversation w/ you - about going a few days w/o showering...
